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I am NOT great but I tried! Hello World!

My Journey

I thought I will do my introduction with a “Hello World” title ,which I may add was incidentally a part of this blog template. Well, the other reason was also because as a computer science student, it was a lingo that I was used to eons ago. Right now, I am a mother of two wonderful girls , wait no , ladies. One has officially earned her “key” to adulthood and the other one is a year shy of her independence.

As a mother of adult daughters, I had gone through many ups and downs and have experienced a wide range of emotions. Something that I had to grapple with was the shift in relationship dynamics. When my girls were young children, I was the primary caregiver and decision-maker in their lives. As they reached adulthood, it dawned on me that my role was evolving from a decision-maker to a guide and confidant. I must confess, this was a very  difficult adjustment, especially so when I was so used to being in control. However, I have come to understand that it is essential to remember that my daughters are now adults and capable of making their own decisions. My  role is to offer support and guidance as they navigate the challenges of adulthood.

Besides a mother, I was an educator and am still very passionate about it. Though many say that teaching is a thankless job, I had my share of beautiful moments with my students. Though I had also written textbooks and have built e-commerce sites, my TRUE love had always been…..cosmetics!!! 

What is your true love?Please leave a feedback on thisx

Let me explain further: Being an educator can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling career, but it’s not without its challenges. From long hours and heavy workloads to dealing with difficult students and demanding parents, it can be easy to feel burnt out and stressed.

That’s why it’s important to find ways to unwind and take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. For me, makeup is a source of relief and relaxation. Whether it’s experimenting with new looks or perfecting their signature style, makeup can be a fun and creative outlet that provides a much-needed break from the pressures of my job.

Of course, makeup isn’t a magic solution to all the challenges of being an educator. It can’t make the students behave, the parents be more understanding, or the workload magically disappear. However, it can help boost confidence and provide a sense of control in a job that can often feel overwhelming and unpredictable.

Plus, let’s not forget that makeup is just plain fun. Playing with different colors, textures, and techniques can be a great way to express yourself and show off your personality. It can also be a way to connect with others, whether it’s through sharing tips and tricks with colleagues or bonding over a mutual love of a particular brand or product.

In my opinion, being an educator can be tough, but for me, makeup can be a small but powerful tool for self-care and self-expression. So whether I’m perfecting my cat-eye or experimenting with a bold lip, I always remind myself that a little bit of makeup can go a long way in brightening my day and helping me feel more confident and in control.

Please let me quality. I am NO influencer but am just a makeup junkie. I hoard makeup but sometimes my finances are finite so I try to budget. Of course , we know how a lack of budget cannot hold us back when it comes to cosmetics , yes? 

Now, that brings me to the purpose of my blog. Since I hoard makeup and can write a decent narrative, I thought why not start a blog. 


Share with us some of your struggles and challenges you had as a mum.

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